Enrolment Information

Registration and Enrolment

The Castlemaine Steiner School and Kindergarten (CSSK) provides both a three and four year old kinder program and a Prep to Year 8 program. Entry to the school commences at Prep. All applications are lodged via an Expression of Interest Form (EOI) form which will register your child on a waiting list according to year of birth and entry year.

The enrolment process for entry into CSSK begins in the year the child turns three, or when an EOI is received at a later date and there is an available place. We recommend placing your child’s name on our wait lists as early as practical. All potential enrolment families are encouraged to attend a School Tour prior to enrolment. 

All admissions to the CSSK Kindergarten program must comply with the Department of Health & Human Services “No jab, no play” legislation. At all times during the admissions and enrolment process, valid immunisation status certificates must be available and compliant with this legislation. For further information refer to; https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/campaigns/no-jab-no-play

Registration Process

All admissions to the School commence with the completion of the CSSK Expression of Interest Form (EOI) and payment of the non-refundable application fee.  If entering at Kinder level the EOI will be registered on both the Kinder and Prep waitlists.

All applications for enrolment are considered with respect to the following –

  • Kinder to Class 8: $100 non-refundable application fee.
  • sibling of a current or past student at the school
  • children of CSSK permanent staff members
  • children of a former student of CSSK
  • students transferring from other Steiner schools
  • demonstrated support for the CSSK philosophy
  • capacity to pay school fees
  • date of EOI lodged and payment of application fee

Enrolment Process

The enrolment process does not guarantee an offer of place, there are a number of steps required.

  • Provision of the last two school reports and other relevant assessments or reports prior to the enrolment meeting.
  • Enrolment meeting
  • Education support meetings where required

Should the enrolment process complete successfully and a place is offered, acceptance of a place offer requires –

  • completion of the enrolment form, signed by parents/guardians
  • provision of the supporting enrolment documents
  • payment of the Entry Bond


CSSK offers both a three-year-old and four-year old fully funded 15 hour Kinder program. We are enriching our Kinder program starting next year with increased nature-based learning, including horticulture and outdoor classroom experiences at our biodynamic vegetable garden, Indigenous bushfood island and native wetlands.

Castlemaine Steiner School and Kindergarten is a proud provider of the Victorian Government’s Free Kinder initiative.

This means you will receive a free three-year-old and four-year-old Kindergarten program of 15 hours.

Free Kinder helps all Victorian children access two years of a high-quality kindergarten program before they start school.

Enrolling your child in a kindergarten program for two years can help develop their skills so they do well in life and school.
Free Kinder is for everyone. You do not need to be an Australian citizen to receive Free Kinder.

If your child is enrolled in our kindergarten program, you will receive a free program of up to 15 hours per week.
Remember, you cannot enrol your child in more than one funded kindergarten program at any one time.

For more information, ask our staff or visit vic.gov.au/kinder.

Entry Bond

Accepting an “Offer of Place” Prep to Class 8 requires the payment of an Entry Bond;

  • Prep to Class 8 = $600

Entry Bonds are returnable with a term’s notice of withdrawal, or when you child graduates at Class 8.

Kindergarten Holding Fee

Accepting an “Offer of Place” for kinder only, requires the payment of a holding fee.

  • Kinder = $250

As CSSK is participating in the free Kinder scheme the holding fee will be refunded upon commencement in Term 1


Application Fees and Entry Bond Payments

Can be paid electronically to the following;

  • Account Name: Castlemaine Steiner School
  • Bank: Bank Australia
  • BSB: 313-140
  • Account No: 1211 7546
  • Reference: EOI or Entry Bond your child’s name

Application Forms and Handbook

Each year CSSK offers a limited number of partly or fully subsidised Scholarships. Further information can be found at Scholarships.


Our Playgroup program is currently running on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9.15am until 11.15am.

There is also Parents and Babies playgroup session on Wednesdays 12.30pm – 2.30pm which is a casual group for parents of very young children from birth – 2 years, offering a place to share their experiences of parenting, enjoy a cuppa and build community.

If you would like to participate in Playgroup, please register your interest by contacting the office on 03 5479 2000 or email enquiries@cssk.vic.edu.au

Enrolment questions

If you would like to speak to someone about enrolling your child please contact our Enrolments Officer, Tracey Robertson on 5479 2000 or enrolments@cssk.vic.edu.au